due to some cancellation of orders, i have some stuffs to let go to u guys! if u're interested, just let me know yea! u can either leave comments or just email me.. for price inquiries, leave me ur email n i'll get back to u as soon as possible! :D
G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S! stuffs that's for sale mainly come from the States and some I got it here but the price is lower than retail. some items travelled so high, in good conditions for u girls to buy. u know some items may be seasonal, but for sure all items are ORIGINAL baby! some items i'm selling u may not get it in Malaysia, or if u do, the price ain't the same. travelling is what i do n i love it! mostly to the States and London. that's why i got my stuffs for a cheap price!. so if u girls are interested in any sorts of perfumes for a good price, don't hesitate to email me at apple.cuppycake@yahoo.com.
I'll try to get it for u!